Out-of-hours medical help

Illness by nature is unpredictable and doesn't always fit the Monday to Friday 9-5 model.  Do you know what your local options are if you need medical attention out-of-hours?  Many people go to the Emergency Department (ED) as their first port of call, but this can involve time consuming waits and it may be more appropriate to attend a GP instead. Before you arange to see a GP check with the receptionist what they recommend - for example, the available GP may be able to do suturing for you but not provide xrays, or they may recommend you go directly to ED if they suspect you may be having a stroke or heart attack .


The following pharmacies are open extended hours, but there are none in the Illawarra providing 24 hour cover:

The following general practices are open 7 days a week:



To obtain medical care after hours please:

  • Call Wollongong Radio Doctor on (02) 4228 5522; 
  • Call GP Helpline on 1800 022 222; or
  • Attend your closest Emergency Department.


And here's a list of your local Illawarra Shoalhaven Emergency Departments: